Would you join this new trend?
Posted 4 years ago 905 Views
Trends are designs, patterns, Styles, even way of life or living, the thing about trends is that it spreads like a virus and moves bi-directional.
Over the last century, several trends have traveled from coast to coast, changing households, people, dressing, dancing, and even speaking.
This latest trend cannot be ranked as one of the normal but rather extreme examples of trademark tend, even from the looks of it one can only imagine the kind of pain that the bearer may have during and after the procedure.
One thing about trends is that it´s not always adapted by those that first come in contact or get knowledge of its existence even at most times new trends are brought to families by offsprings.
Seeing this new trend would you be willing to be first in line to join it or would you allow your children to follow this trend? On the other hand, what would be your reaction if your child comes home one day from where ever with this new trend what would be your reaction?
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